Why isn’t God more SCI-FY?

With so many alien and UFO phenomena in the media again, I thought I would update and repost this old entry. Why is it that we can look at the wonder of our Galaxy and conclude that the “Truth is out there” but we are equally as unwilling to carry that notion over to perhaps the answer being God?

If there is something to be wondered about, shouldn’t that multiply the possibilities? If the Galaxy does declare the Glory of the Lord as the Word of God teaches, then what does it point to? Even Richard Dawkins during a famous interview accepts that perhaps an alien life form could have started his believed-evolutionary process (Think Prometheus) but will still not let that idea transfer over to the notion of God.

Why are aliens acceptable, but God is not? Why are science and advanced technology more palatable than miracles? Even Sir Arthur Clarke admitted, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” If that is true, is it not also true that any miracle is sufficiently indistinguishable from advanced technology? Or rather, if you can believe that technology will one day do the impossible, why deny that the impossible might not be? That all seems to be couched in man. When we stargaze and realize just how small we are, why do we still use ourselves as the significant arbiter of truth? If we are willing to admit that the cosmos is so big with infinite possibilities, shouldn’t we at least have a framework that accepts explanations beyond simply “little old us?” You know, like miracles? Why is unexplainable power so inherently wrong a worldview to accept?

There have even been some postulations of multi-verses and even parallel ones without evidence, but somehow the idea of the spiritual realm is ridiculous. If Jesus would have been recorded as coming in a spaceship would his story be more believable? It seems like some people like the idea of the pyramids all over the world, which must mean somehow there was some kind of outside influence from the stars. Oooooo. People watch too much Ancient Aliens. And still, outside influences of aliens are OK but not gods? Hmm… why is our system so self-absorbed?

If we are truly, virtuously agnostic as many claims, shouldn’t we chase down all leads? Or at least have a worldview that accounts for such things? We do this with fringe things all the time, we have paranormal experience chasers and alien abductions stories, but still, a man rising from the dead gets the raised eyebrow? Does it seem like some presuppositions are at play?

I love apocalyptic and futuristic science fiction. I love it because I love man’s attempt to interact with something possible–but definitely greater than themselves. I love man’s attempt at interpreting that which can hardly be explained because I believe that that level of wonder, that level of exploration, that kind of setting aside the limitations of the known for a moment, is a step towards faith. If we would drop all the rules for a moment and just wonder, I believe the notion of faith wouldn’t seem so silly.

The Christian worldview does have explanatory power to the idea of UFOs and such visitation phenomena. Let me explain: I love watching the movie the Fourth Kind with people and having a discussion about it. The premise is that it is supposedly a true story about alien abduction/visitation. Well, just give it a try. But when I got to the end, I was shocked to see what really was going on, if you grant the premise, that is, it reads or views more like demonic possession. It made sense to me, following the story given, especially since I have a working grid for such information, as the supernatural. Why would an alien, claim to be God? Why would an alien speak in the Akkadian language some scholars have wondered might be the original language? What about a demon?

No, that’s crazy! A demon? really?!, but aliens, well that could happen, sure…

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)

Now it is perfectly fine to believe. We want to believe, after all. I think a sense of wonder is inherent in all of us. But why do we want to believe that we are not alone, yet that the other out there could not possibly be God? Why could there not be a spiritual realm which actually speaks to all these encounters? There is a reason that so many of these new visitations resemble hallucinogens and pagan practices of meditation. The Word of God warns against this activity for a reason. This is my point: if we are going to wonder, let’s truly wonder and think about the tenets of even religion. Don’t let wonder cease just because when stretched, it reaches into the realm of theology. Let’s be honest, that is what searching for something out among the stars takes: faith.

3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high (Hebrews 1)

Does Jesus have to wear fancy space power armor to interest us? I believe the God of the Bible is far more fascinating than sci-fi. (And I like sci-fi a lot). The God of the Bible has so much power, incomprehensible power, that he can speak life into existence. He creates worlds with words. He fashions the races from the dirt and breathes life into them. He fashioned self-sustainable bodies that work on planets. He spread out the stars and the heavens to give us wonder. He has unlimited and unmatched power, and he has interest, concern, and even love for his created order.

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 3)

I don’t know about you, but I have never formed an attachment to a place I built with Legos. Nor do I possess the resources to give my little dudes life. Nor do I have the empathy to form bonds with them and offer them, love. Gabe, when you talk like this, you sound crazy. It’s OK, like Agent Mulder, I want to believe. I happily make that choice. That is what faith is–trusting in God. (It also means repenting) The idea of invisible thrones, dominions, and rulers is getting at the notion of those in the Spiritual realm who are also created by God. He equally rules over them. The Christian worldview allows for such entities and certainly teaches that these entities interact with humanity. Just read the Bible. As seen above, Satan can appear as an angel of light, maybe a light in the sky?

When I was a teenager, some friends and I were hanging out in a park when a golden sparkling rounded cylinder tore across the night sky. It looked like a magical golden hotdog. It was amazing and we all kind of freaked out. People like Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, Fire in the Sky, and so many better modern movies about aliens, but what does your view of the world allow for interpretation? Christians do not need to wave their hands and dismiss these encounters. We have an enemy who would love us to become UFO chasers and distract us to disinterest in God.

C. S. Lewis’s space trilogy was also a nice take on the Alien question. He concluded that if any other intelligent lifeforms existed, they would still need a relationship with God. His books explore this theme. They are fascinating reads. I say this to simply state that while I believe the whole thing is often silly, it could be explained, but when it cannot I know the demonic exists. I don’t have to pretend it doesn’t happen. Further, we can understand how seeking this kind of experience is tied to the New Age.

A sense of wonder is a great thing, but what you do with it makes all the difference in the world. Now, I don’t believe we will get there by simply invoking a sense of wonder, but a sense of wonder that humbly admits it needs help to understand and desires to know? That will get you somewhere, as God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. So if God is real, then ask him to reveal himself to you? Or ask, as some of the Jews did, to help in your unbelief? God teaches us He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. So don’t stop seeking the answers, and you will find him waiting with open arms.

If God is not fancy enough, sophisticated, or advanced enough, ask yourself why? Why do Aliens invoke such inquiry but God does not qualify for your sense of wonder? What will it take for God to impress you? Then think about Creation, John 3:16, The Gospel, because perhaps, he has already done it.


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