How to not feel condemned

Feeling condemned? Yes, Gabe, I do, and sometimes what you write makes me feel condemned. Oh, sorry about that, but also not too sorry. My intention is not to make people feel condemned but simply for guilty people to become convicted, and there is a difference. I don’t preach condemnation, that is about the sentence…

Husbands and Wives (How to Marriage)

Marriage is fun, I recommend it. I only have 19 years under my belt and two kids, but you have to speak up sometime. We also know marriage can be a challenge, and thankfully the Word of God speaks to such things. God’s Word is better than local expertise. Since there are only two genders…

How to get justice

There are a lot of cries for justice these days. I have even seen memes sharing ideas that a lack of “concern for justice” in churches has even driven people away. Ok, what justice are we talking about here? Justice assumes a standard of rules, measures, desert, and even a form of righteousness. If we…

How to minister

There is a difference between reaching out to unbelievers and believers. Compassion and truth, I know what I would want, but my question is not which should be applied in ministry at a given moment. They both should be. Yet how would you know when people need compassion because of hurts, or is it the…

Laughter Helps (How to laugh)

I know, why write about laughter at a time like this? Well, the word of God tells us that hope deferred makes the heart grow sick. (Proverbs 13:12) You wouldn’t want to get sick, would you? The word of God tells us there is a time to refrain from embracing. Combine these two ideas while…

How to be a Friend of God

There are times in the Word of God when people are called friends of God. I wanted to explore this a bit. What does it take to become a friend of God? Are we to assume we are one just because we are Christian? I know this idea seems to be the opinion of the…

How to believe

I seem to have started this new category of “how to” so it makes sense to come to the topic of faith. How to believe is really an important question to address. Not that it is some kind of a misnomer, at the same time it can be elusive. We understand what it is to…

How to be Community

Everyone is trying to be in a community these days. Communities are simply a group of people who band together to stand before a divided world. Communities are bound by interests or experiences. Communities are when we discover the positive side of gang affiliation. Gangs look out for those who are “in” and take care…

How to be Fearless

Fear is a big problem. I always laughed at those “No Fear” tee shirts growing up as a kid. They were just so slogan, and for what I wasn’t even sure. Probably because as a kid you are fearless to an extent until you discover you aren’t. Somethings come along in life and knock you…

How to be Whole

With a brand new year, many have begun trying new things, new goals, maybe even pursuing a new career. I want to put one more goal out there for us to work towards. Wholeness or completeness. Integrity is defined as being complete or whole, as in being one in unity with yourself, rather not duplicitous…