Is Church full of hypocrites?

Everyone knows the church has bad stories, famous anecdotes of sin, and falling leaders. Often, two of the arguments against Christianity are the problem of Evil, which I have written about many times, and the lesser reason is that the church is full of hypocrites. I once heard a pastor in response to this say,…

Wrong Answers

Origen was a notorious interpreter of the scriptures. He used allegory like it was going out of style, which it should have. He would allegorize so much that he truly clouded Biblical understanding and negatively influenced church theology for years to come. Ironically, he is considered the father of Biblical textual criticism producing the Hexapla,…

The Humble Wicked

In my effort to endlessly present the Gospel from every which way, and get us to think about it, I present yet another angle. But I will admit, I don’t like my title, yet I think it helps with what I will be discussing. What is the humble wicked? Are the wicked humble? That is a good…

Choices (Pain and Harm)

Recently, with Roe vs. Wade before us once again, your feeds, as well as mine, have been flooded with Pro-choice memes and hopefully other Pro-life answers. This battle will not end even if Roe is overturned. That would simply mean the laws would be made at the state level, and we would see the states…

Brave New World

Many have written their thoughts on Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World before; it is nearly a century old. I have been hearing about it for so long after seeing 1984 several times, having read Man’s Search for Meaning, The Gulag Archipelago, and loving Animal Farm, that I had to give it a read. Though, honestly,…

Why isn’t God more SCI-FY?

With so many alien and UFO phenomena in the media again, I thought I would update and repost this old entry. Why is it that we can look at the wonder of our Galaxy and conclude that the “Truth is out there” but we are equally as unwilling to carry that notion over to perhaps…

The Brothers Karamazov

This was a long book, yet I became immediately interested in Dostoevsky’s magnum opus because I heard of the theological discussions involved in the book. I was really excited about the said theological back and forth involved at the beginning of the book between Ivan, Alexi, and Father Zossima. However, it quickly became apparent through…

Hold On

There are many things to hold onto. A warm burrito, the steering wheel, your best girl, a paycheck, and hopefully your resolve in the face of danger when you want to quit. But what about other people, how long should we hold on to other people when they do not want to kept? We are…

Jon Steingard (Hawk Nelson)

From time to time, we all have doubts, and if the doubt isn’t addressed, that doubt will begin to drive us, and the destination is usually away from the faith. Jon Steingard of the band, Hawk Nelson has now left the faith quite publicly as did Josh Harris and Marty Sampson recently. There is a…

Apologia RIP-Ravi

Apologia is the Greek word for, you guessed it, apologetics. Apologetics is not so much about apologizing, but it is about the task of making an answer. Peter tells us in his letter (1 Peter 3:15) that we are to be always prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies within us but to…