The Gospel rights

The idea of rights is quite a bugbear in the American church. We do have rights, and God-given ones at that. The founding fathers recognized these rights as self-evident, or the very idea of a republic would have been redundant. We have the right to life because we are alive. We have the right to…

Pilate is American Politics

Many times in life, it is challenging to know what to do at just the right time to do it. Think about how often we replay conversations in our minds. You had a conversation, an argument, and often walked away, thinking of what we should have said. If only… This is usually an indication that we needed…

Jordan Peterson’s Perfect Sacrifice

I just listened to Jordan Peterson supposedly stun Bill Maher into silence which wasn’t exactly what happened. But he did manage to teach Bill something, and that something was that the Bible has lessons to teach those willing to listen. The great thing about that clip is there was a subtle schooling for Bill, who acts…

A Problem for Epicurus

I have written on the problem of evil many times, and will probably continue to do so. The reason being is that it is the largest point of contention that people with unbelief use as a foil against the Gospel. Old dead philosophers tend to have a lasting impact, don’t they? Epicurius, a philosopher from…

The Sacred High Court

You know when you leave a discussion or debate or even an argument, and later realize what you should have said? Yeah, that happens even to Pastors on a given Sunday. Last Sunday, I preached about the murderous plot against the apostle Paul from Acts 23, and part of the sermon was about how God…

The Servant and his Slaves pt 1.

When Jesus came, one of his instructions was for us to serve one another. One facet of his earthly sojourn was to demonstrate servanthood to us–as He laid down his life in sacrifice. However, does that office truly exhaust what we are before him? Are we servants like Jesus, or is something else going on?…

A Trinitarian Reality

Have any of you wondered about the Trinity? I mean really sat down and contemplated the nature of God? It is an amazing exercise, it is good for the soul. It is always a good opportunity to put the human machine in its humble position before a Holy and Transcendent God. But the Trinty is…

Higher than the state

With the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, there was much rejoicing, many discussions taking place, and not the least about the real power of the government. There are discussions about what rights we really possess, and how the taking away of Roe is some form of a fallen democracy and raising of theocracy. The government…

Grace rolls down

What is grace? We know it means poise, elegance, and courteousness, and when we speak of someone like this, it is as if say they demonstrate these qualities by goodwill or as if favored to do so. A modern word could be a privilege. But now that I have darkened the waters, what is God’s…

The connection of powers

We all know, or at least we are supposed to know the three branches of government if you are American. Hopefully, the schools are still teaching these ideas despite the failure of their general operational application. The legislature is responsible for making the laws, the executive is responsible for empowering laws into action, and the…