Astonished and abandoned

I have been preaching through the little book of Galatians at church. Paul’s angry letter is readily understood by any preacher. It is frustrating and demoralizing when God is so openly discolored. It is not a small thing to tamper with the Word of God, nor its legacy of truth in the Gospel. Paul had…

Slow Down

Have you ever overreacted? Of course, we all have. But have you ever acted in such a way that you walk away thinking it could have happened no other way? In other words, it figures. That is a difficult thing to dissuade in our hearts when we have many past experiences. We have been treated that way…

When Leaders Err

If you have been following the story of Pastor Alistair Begg, you know this is not a typical picture of his ministry. He is a solid Bible teacher and has been for many years. If you had asked me what Men/Ministries were influential in my life growing up, I would say R.C. Sproul, The Bible…

Don’t be afraid, be Good

The question of why we ought to behave is as old as people are. The fear of getting caught is as ancient as sin itself when Adman and Eve tried to hide themselves from God. But fast forward to the very first blatant sin of Cain, and this idea is made apparent. He didn’t seem…

Dare to be Grateful (a shaky voice)

Has anyone else noticed that as we have increasingly attacked the holiday focused on giving thanks every year, dismissing it as colonialist and every manner of anachronism, people have grown increasingly resentful? That shouldn’t surprise us. I was perusing a fellow blogger’s entry recently. She posted a picture that said: “Always speak the truth even…

We need Men

We have a dearth of men who will lead. Our Manchurian candidate of a president appears to be a marionette of the radicals. His teleprompter is the only leadership occurring, and the message is eerily similar to Satan’s plan to destroy. With rising figures like Jordan Peterson, the passing occasional wisdom of Joe Rogan, and…

We made this bed

It takes a few things to destroy a country and replace its government with tyranny. The first thing is to get rid of God. We have seen this all around, tearing down the 10 commandments, getting rid of prayer in schools, teaching our children we are simply material accidents, genders are mere choices, and the…

Endure teaching?

Awaiting a broken ankle to heal needs to be endured. A pesky dog your loved one once owned could be something that you endured. A bad meal where you don’t want to offend the host calls for endurance. But what about God’s Word? Is that something you have to endure? Why would Paul present the…

The Lord of the Sabbath

The day of rest. The foundation of the vacation itself was written into the Lord’s creation model. You work for six days, and then you rest on the seventh. This is just one more reason to accept Biblical revelation when it tells us that the Lord created in six literal days. No, it is not…

Unclear but present Danger

Boogeymen are a nice MacGuffin. The mysterious monster out in the fields plucking up unsuspecting children is a setting for a story. But the story wouldn’t carry very far if, in the first act, the boogeyman was revealed to just be ole farmer John up the street keeping the kids in his barn and making…