The Sin Sickness

If you think that America is crumbling all around and before your eyes, then you believe in sin. It requires a knowledge of a higher law to acknowledge such a judgment. If you think America is in trouble, and if that is really true, then it has to be so much more than nostalgia for…


G.K. Chesterton was once asked to contribute to some essays about what is wrong with the world. He responded by saying–I Am. It is true as it is pithy, which it is completely. That is not a riff on who God reveals himself as, but it is a similar admission. The Lord responded to Abraham…

The Seven Deadly Sins

This entry is about how these sins are not sins anymore in the eyes of our culture. As my picture displays, they are even tattoos; art to share, not plagues on mankind. It is a sad state of affairs when the seven deadly sins are no longer deadly or sinful but celebrated in the streets…

#Churchtoo #2

I wrote an entry on this idea a couple of years back. As said then, as I am now, this will not be the last. Sin abides and needs to be brought into the light; there is sin now percolating, waiting to come into the light. The story is horrific. A pastor in Indiana stepped…

Satan, Shoes and Abortion

There are so many ridiculous things in the media these days: devil shoes, cults wanting abortion reinstated, that Satan is always an interesting topic. My last entry on him didn’t get much traction, nor the one on evil with Jason on the front. It does seem like we do not want to think about such…

Do you hate enough?

I know, I know, a pretty provocative title, yet it is a good question? I ask because it is a question I have been pondering. I don’t mean people; we are called to love our enemies. What I mean is, do I hate my sin? Or is my sin something I just really try to avoid talking…

The lie of evil

Many people like horror films; it is no longer a niche genre. Why do people like horror films? The ax-murderer tromping through the woods looking for his next unlikely victim. While not everyone likes these films, ask yourself, why in general anyone does? Why would we entertain ourselves with monstrosity? I have never really liked…

With a heavy heart, Ravi…

I wrote a blog commemorating Ravi Zacharias’ life when his death occurred last year. At the time, I was not aware of any of his past controversies. When the recent sexual allegations came to light, I produced a video on my YouTube channel about the Christian response to an accusation in general, using him as…

WW84 on Truth (Spoilers)

My wife and I were able to actually make it out to a movie recently, which is a rarity these days with a three and a six-year-old at home, thank you, Grandparents. We saw the new Wonder Woman and even splurged with popcorn! It was set in the ’80s and so naturally it had a…

The Way of Cain

I have been reading through Dennis Prager’s commentary on Genesis, and I came to the Cain and Abel passage. He mentions how Steinbeck wrote East of Eden to flesh out this primary question many see in the Cain and Abel story. Where was the justice on God’s part, and thus how easy is it to…