Believe the report

As our culture has moved well beyond post-war to post-Christian, it is no longer what we do in the bedroom that is sex, but it is religion. How has the world pushed the church into the bedroom and brought what was in there out into the world? We aren’t only in the bedroom, but the…

The Lord of the Sabbath

The day of rest. The foundation of the vacation itself was written into the Lord’s creation model. You work for six days, and then you rest on the seventh. This is just one more reason to accept Biblical revelation when it tells us that the Lord created in six literal days. No, it is not…

When you don’t speak up

Darkness comes when the light is nowhere to be found. Darkness is the absence of light, both physically and spiritually. I have been saying for years that the trajectory of the LGBTQ group is towards androgyny so that no standards remain, and I don’t mean simply the transgender mess we have today. The intention is…

When Tragedy Strikes

We all know this is a part of life now. Another school shooting and the politicians race to politicize it. In Nashville, a woman who struggled with her identity chose to shoot up a Christian school. Six more souls were taken. This is new and not new. It is usually men who are prone to…

Influencer or Pastor

Social media has given rise to many avenues for publishing, whether written or, let’s be honest, the more popular video. Yet this gift of getting the message to the masses is as much a curse as a blessing. For one, the rise of influencers has taken hold of culture. An influencer simply has to be…

Priests and Pastors

Does the church have ranks, offices, and roles? What is the church about anyway? Does it have Bishops and Clerics, Cardinals, Priests, and Popes? Funny attire aside, no, sadly the idea of Bishop and Episcopate, are simply differing translations of the words Elder as far as church structure goes. The New Testament only acknowledges the…

The parable of the Two Sons

In Dennis Prager’s commentary on Exodus, he makes this passing comment about Israel. “All the Nations of the world are God’s children, but Israel is the firstborn.” Or you could say, the older brother. That brings a whole new light to the parable of the Prodigal Son. The church certainly does in some sense look…

Take Heed How You Hear

I remember a point reading Matthew’s Gospel when so much of my Christian experience really began to click. It was the parable of the sower that truly struck me. I had wondered what God’s promises meant when I had seen so many friends walk away from the Lord. Was God’s love truly holding us secure?…

Don’t mass appeal

We all understand the idea, if you build it they will come, model. If we have something people want, they will come from the hills to fetch it. Marketing and advertising are about finding the hook that will bring people to come get your stuff. I see billboards all around town with appeals to come…

Start Preaching

In the great commission at the end of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus lays a charge on his disciples. The directive is to go and tell the message. The same message he was telling people about all along. Now some might pause and wonder what that specifically is because he did a lot of teaching….