I’m new, what now?

Online, there is a question that floats around from time to time, and it is a very good one. I heard the Gospel and responded, but what now? Well, the first thing to think is where were you saved? Was it in a church? Was it not? If not, find one, but find one that actually is…

On Loving Enemies #2 (a reprisal)

I wrote about this a long time ago, but as I have reflected on it recently, I have more to say. That is what Pastors do, come up with more things to say. Anyway, I have probably said this myself at some point: we love our enemies by making them friends. While true, I must clarify, that…

Aliens, UAPs, and Occultism

I enjoy Sci-Fy and a good alien movie from time to time. I like to see what people think the final frontier is all about and how humanity would live to interact with them. It makes for a good story. But, between wanting to believe and understanding the Cosmos that God has created is a…

A kind of Kindness?

After spending a month addressing the sinful celebrations out in culture, hoping some light would get through, I wanted to do a follow-up. There is a simplistic approach to this that I have observed. Why not just be kind? Well, yes, but I addressed this idea in the entry about defining love. It seems we also need…

A Barrier to Christ

Some things hold men and women back from coming to the Lord, and it is not that even a three-foot lead door sealed up behind steel girders could prevent a man from coming to Christ. No, the prevention of a man coming to Christ is unbelief; his nature, but the hold that has the man…

A Month of Love?

As I mentioned previously, a survey was conducted by Dr. Michael Brown. Many, if not most people lost in the practices so celebrated in June, do not believe there is any way for love to be communicated in the call of turning away from their celebrated sin; The Gospel. And on one level, I get…

Spiritual but not Religious

We can all see what others are doing, and so can they, us. Faith has always been and will always be demonstrable, while false religion is performative. However, it shouldn’t take a magnifying glass to spot the difference. With the month of sin right around the corner, preparing their lewd display and religious fervor, I…

Radio Ignorance

Last week I was driving to church, as a pastor does several times in his life. I was rocking the Christmas music as many of us do–it’s the most wonderful time of the year! But the Christmas music I was listening to was either, on pause or changed to something I didn’t care for. So…

TikTok WitchCraft

I recently watched an episode of Cultish, and they were talking about the rise of “Christian Witchcraft” which is about a silly term as free-imprisoning. Yet, I have noticed this rise in Witchcraft all around. I frequent some local bookstores in town where I have noticed the shrinking Christianity section, covertly redefined as generic “Western…

Higher than the state

With the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, there was much rejoicing, many discussions taking place, and not the least about the real power of the government. There are discussions about what rights we really possess, and how the taking away of Roe is some form of a fallen democracy and raising of theocracy. The government…