A Hike, a Cop and a Wrathless God?

I was recently out for a hike with the kiddos up on A-Mountain. It was another no-car day for some reason, so the boys and I had extra walking to do. We had tried several times already when the Mountain was closed, so not to be deterred again, I decided we would walk the whole…

The problem of Evil pt. Deux

The problem of evil goes like this. How can an all-loving and all-powerful God allow suffering and evil? Suffering and evil exist. Therefore God does not exist. That is a deductive argument. A logical argument where the answer follows from the premises. I have hit this from the other direction before. The question need not…

Why isn’t God more SCI-FY?

With so many alien and UFO phenomena in the media again, I thought I would update and repost this old entry. Why is it that we can look at the wonder of our Galaxy and conclude that the “Truth is out there” but we are equally as unwilling to carry that notion over to perhaps…

Teach people not to kill/rape

I have heard many times the message from the title. And you could input any dark deed, teach people not to be…racist, hateful, etc. Some think that our current woes in the street are merely a lack of education. If we raised enough awareness, shining enough light on the problems then people would be convinced…

Gospolic Repentance

I know I made up a word there in the title, but that is the fun part with titles, I get to make them up. I have written on repentance before, my decreasing Facebook friend count reflects this. Yet as I have, I heard some charges that seem to persist. The first time I heard…

Practice your faith

Just as good Doctors will readily admit, what is really happening when you visit them is they are practicing medicine. As Lawyers are practicing law, Christians are to practice their faith. I wonder if the problem with American Christians and the rise of so many ex-Christians and “nones” is that Christianity has been packaged as…

Jon Steingard (Hawk Nelson)

From time to time, we all have doubts, and if the doubt isn’t addressed, that doubt will begin to drive us, and the destination is usually away from the faith. Jon Steingard of the band, Hawk Nelson has now left the faith quite publicly as did Josh Harris and Marty Sampson recently. There is a…

Inducing God

As I listen to more debates about God and the proof of the resurrection, which I am fully convinced about, I have noticed a chink in the armor of the apologist (and certainly the skeptic as well). This chink is in the nature of the argumentation, not the sufficiency of the ideas put forth. Even…

Christians, social distance

I keep seeing these stories where some Christians are still gathering for church on Sunday. Here is the thing, while we should absolutely not panic and contribute to the overall chaos, holding our faith and security in Jesus for our peace, we should not ignore wisdom. I saw a story where 14 states have not…

A follow up on Christopher Hitchens

I have thought about the late Christopher Hitchens attack on the vicarious redemption; The substitutional offering made by Christ in our place. Hitchens had a difficult time accepting the idea that sins could be forgiven by a third party. He viewed this idea as immoral. At first, I thought it was merely a self-righteousness on…