The Substance Of Things Hoped For

Richard Dawkins- “Faith is the belief without evidence and reason; coincidentally that’s also the definition of delusion.” Aw, memes. They are so reductive, unfortunately, also memorable and, worse yet, convincing to some. You know, because they saw it on the internet. But his definition of faith is more a product of his belief system: Atheism….

Angels and the Grace of blindness

I was listening to Bishop Barron recently, who as a protestant, I take some from and leave some from. Yet he said this about the angels, “When an angel makes his choice it is a choice forever, because of their ontological constitution.” It gave me pause because he had just said that an angel could fall because…

Atheism: Just one god further

Richard Dawkins now has this infamous saying: “We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one God further.” This is very convincing to some, some think it is a home run. At first, it sounds like a pretty useful talking point. The idea is…

Faith and Morality

Dennis Prager makes this statement in his commentary on Exodus: Do not let Faith override the moral. This is a sad trend I have seen a lot in American Christianity. This is why more and more churches seem willing to be bedfellows with LGBTQ causes; because they do not understand that faith is an aid…

On Claiming Faith

Jordan Peterson recently put up a video on his Youtube channel discussing his proclivity to shy away from answering the God question. It is titled “Who dares to say he believes in God.” I wrote about this before, however, in this new video, he takes this challenge head-on. He begins by talking about how we…

The Rationality of Transcendence

I recently read through a blog debate between Sam Harris and Andrew Sullivan. One theme I came away with was that Sam seems to affirm a premise my title is derived from: It is not rational to derive transcendence from the miraculous. I say this because the idea of God is so utterly absurd to…

Losing my religion

I have always loved the song in the title as a youngin; don’t care for much else REM, but such is life. I want to write today about practicality. Do we as Christians too much sola? Since there are many more doctrines than justification, I have to ask how do we live our lives? Do…

How to believe

I seem to have started this new category of “how to” so it makes sense to come to the topic of faith. How to believe is really an important question to address. Not that it is some kind of a misnomer, at the same time it can be elusive. We understand what it is to…

Enrollment in Heaven

God often speaks in terms of the book of Life and the names written down which would be a fine thing on its own, except in a few places he speaks about spilling the ink. He mentions that names written down can be stricken from the record. They are blotted out. This was before the…

An impending Hope

Why hope when we are often let down? Wouldn’t it be easier to simply shut off parts of our heart and in some respect close off some pain receptors? If we avoiding putting our hearts out there, hoping for a better outcome, we could even-out those highs and lows to find some kind of equilibrium?…