The only solution to the whole mess


I don’t usually listen to Joe Rogan’s full episodes, usually smaller clips here and there, and even then, it isn’t a regular go-to for me. But I listened to him interview Tucker Carlson, and it was…a lot. But just listen to the news. We all hear conspiracy stories and rumors and there actually wasn’t much there I hadn’t heard one way or another. But with so much of it lined up the way it was, it was heavy. Tucker hit on one really important point: There are Spiritual forces at work. Since that is the case, we are wise to let God teach us his truth.

There is a lot to be worried about these days. But worrying doesn’t really help. You can be worried about the economy. You can be worried about the border and the deep state. You can be worried about the future, the growing violence, and your kids. You can be worried about the drug problem or the fact that people can’t even talk freely anymore. You can worried about blackmailings and endless riots. You can get caught up in causes and unrest and weighed down by conspiracies.

You can worry about the government and UAPs and you can grasp that there are spiritual forces out there that you do not want to tangle with. Mass shootings and murderous manifestos abide. Free speech seems to be dying and surveillance is on the rise. You can look around and feel so hopeless and see the evil that isn’t even hiding anymore. The relative success of getting rid of God is palpable—Secularism. You can feel that and lose sleep over it, but the answer is still the same.

I know this sounds trite because I have talked about the Gospel so many times in so many different ways. But it is the only hope. And I say that not because men know and grasp the sin problem or even care about the eternal judgment. No, that is not what I am getting at here, though that is the issue. No, the real challenge is that the only way to solve all of humanity’s problems is with a change of heart. The hearts that don’t care and desire chaos must be addressed.

No government agency or superhero is going to save you. Perhaps that is why we have burned out on such films. There just appears to be endless corruption. Uncaring faceless bureaucracy seems bent on simply foolishness, but not just that. There is a sinister voice speaking and weak people desire its power. No amount of protest or awareness is going to change things. No coalition or watch group is going to show up on the dawn of the fifth day. There is no higher human authority that will sort this all out. No one is coming.

The only solution is a serious shift in the very depths of a person where nothing else can penetrate. Something within the very hearts of men has to change before things will ever get better. It is the very soul of a man that must be reborn for him to desire a different path than the highway of destruction he is on. It is the part of a man where goodness and truth can be anchored yet have been covered in black.

But what changes evil intentions? What can sway a human’s heart?

There was a game recently called Persona about a ragtag group of school-aged kids who magically steal the wicked hearts of troubled and evil people and make them confess their crimes. They were gross, deep-seated, and well-hidden crimes and debauchery. This method was the only way to make a breach because as is often the case, people entrenched in positions of power and protected for various reasons use and abuse that power are notoriously difficult to unseat. It has to come from inside, but who would ever tell on themselves? Who would be willing to make that sacrifice? When someone goes down it is usually a pawn. Who is willing to stick their neck out when everyone is doing the same thing?

Several years ago, now there was a dark movie about an attempted assassination of a president. I think it was the Line of Fire or something like that, with Clint Eastwood. Late in the film, the shooter says if a man is willing to trade his life for a kill, there is really nothing anyone can do to stop him. A dread sort of sits in when he admits that. (This is what mass shooters have discovered once they give up the desire to live) Now, while that is true, part of the point of the movie is the realization that there must be an equal and opposite sacrifice to match it if there is any chance of survival. But again, who is willing?

The Lord Jesus said, There is no greater love than he who lays down his life for his friends. Our Lord didn’t just say it either, He lived it out. He died on the cross. Why? Because there is no natural force strong enough to stop a twisted heart set on sin. The power of sin, the curse of the fall has to be broken by a stronger force and only God can manage that force. Only God can crush the head of the serpent.

The power of His shed blood on the cross has the force to break addiction, and habitual darkness. Only the power of the Cross can make a man rethink destroying his marriage vows in the heat of the lustful moment. Only God can break the power of fear and demented control. Only the Lord can lead us to lasting change that refuses the bribe. Only a man possessed by the Spirit of God can resist the enemy so that he will flee from him. The power and draw of sin are so strong and natural to fallen man that it takes the blood of God to vanquish it. That is what our Lord has done.

Only God Himself can do that and He has given us the way–repentance and trust in Jesus Christ. This faith is stronger than even death. It rescues men from the curse of the fall and the fallen impulse to steal, kill, and destroy. True Christ followers are not trying to grow their numbers, they are trying to save lives. We are trying to save the lives of those trapped in that system, while also creating some heaven instead of hell. That is what the Gospel does. A changed life has been transferred out of the kingdom of darkness and death into the light of eternal life.

Only God’s Light can extinguish the darkness. Only God can change the hearts of fallen men. If you are not praying already, start. The conditions are only growing worse, but the terms of the offer remain the same. You must be born again.

5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3)


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